

Passion. Experience. Creativity.






“Since I was a little girl I have been fascinated by hair. My dream was to grow up and become a hair stylist. I was in love with the glamorous world and all that accompanied it. I was and still am obsessed with cutting and colors. I can honestly say after 25 years I am still living the dream!


My inspiration to create comes from within! I get inspired by watching others and absorbing what they do and then combine it all to create something of my own. Color inspires me more than anything else. I am obsessed with mixing all of the different formulas and making beautiful and unique colors.  Just the whole idea of creating something new and different is a gift. It comes from my heart and soul




“In High School I took advantage of the BOCES program and studied cosmetology. In August 1985 I answered an ad in the paper for an hairdressing assistant and it led me to a salon in Amity Harbor. I met with the owner, Frank Amato, he was just 26 years old. I was just 16, he hired me that day. I went to BOCES that September and worked with Frank after school. It was at the salon and the family-like atmosphere that brought me to LOVE my job!! Through the years I've had the privilege of meeting many wonderful friends both staff and clients, some of which today, 31 years later are still dear to my heart.”



Working with Frank all of these years and watching him and his creativity inspires me. I love watching and learning. We have such creative staff at The Salon by the Bay. Its great to bounce ideas off each other. Its so rare and amazing to love to come to work!




“I’m Natalia and I’ve been a hairdresser for over 10 years. Originally born and raised in Poland, I moved to Long Island in 2000 looking for new adventure. I’ve always enjoyed doing hair since I was a little girl. In my opinion, the most rewarding part of being a hairdresser is making people look and feel good. I enjoy cutting/styling hair and a fabulous hair color makeover.”





“I was first a client, Marina did my hair and I loved it. When Marina discovered I was a licensed hairstylist, she offered me a job. I had taken a hiatus from hairstyling to raise my two wonderful children. So, given this amazing opportunity I never realized how much I missed it!”


Working with the most creative stylist definitely inspires me. I love saying “hair is a woman’s crown & glory”. Its wonderful to make people feel & look beautiful.





My inspiration is from the clients that sit in my chair! Every client has a personalized consultation no matter how many times they’ve been in the salon. I love what I do to say the least!